Finding a good financial planner is not an easy task. Although there are plenty of financial planners out there, not all of them are good and will make you money. A financial planner is hired by you to ultimately make you money and give you peace of mind. So, how do you find that perfect […]
How To Turn a Few Extra Dollars During The Spring Months
With spring comes many additional opportunities to earn money. Since the economy has not made a recovery for many families additional money earning activities are a must. There are many things that families can pull together and do in order to build up their finances. If you do not have an emergency fund this would […]
Tribune Company Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy; Print Media In Peril
The newspaper industry is in serious trouble and Tribune Company is the most recent casuality. Tribune Company, which currently holds a slew of newspapers, publications and television stations, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to offset its nearly 12 billion dollar debt, said Market Watch. Tribune Company is the parent company of the Chicago Tribune […]
What Is a Comaker Or Cosigner?
Have you ever been a cosigner on a contractual agreement? Have you ever needed a cosigner on a loan agreement? Some people don’t know exactly what your obligation is as a cosigner. I have heard comments such as “that’s not my loan I’m just the cosigner.” Well actually if you are the cosigner it is […]