I grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Back then, my parents worried about my friends, where I might go in my car, if I would drink and drive, the usual worries for parents back then. Seemed like a pretty big deal back then. Times have indeed changed. Haven’t they? My generation was the first to enjoy video games. Cable. Cell phones. We created them. Just like our forefathers created the telephone, electricity, the telephone and cars. Off into the future. And into our now. The present.
I embraced the computer age. Reluctantly. I actually was put there by my ex husband. I loved to write. We had a rental business. I requested a simple typewriter, to type rental property contracts out on. He brought home a computer. I was introduced to this new age, back then, that way. I asked him to take the computer back and get me a typewriter. He freaked out. This is the wave of the future. He was right. It was. Was I ready for it then? I don’t think so. Still, I went forward. Being a writer, I can appreciate the value of the internet now. But, at first, it seemed quite worthless to me. I had no use for it. Ignorant and puzzled. I learned. Slowly. On my own. Many pitfalls and challenges.
That leads me to what I want to address in this article. The children. Put an innocent child on the internet and what do you get? A big problem. If they are not educated and monitored, this is a true recipe for disaster. Many adults know this, so why is it so hard to believe that our children could be in danger on the internet? They are. Why? I will tell you why. Say your child starts up a Facebook or Myspace page. Sure they can limit their visitors. But, are you really certain that their personal photos, information and age will not be viewed by strangers? Their location, even if a city, can be easily located by a child predator. How? Well, I will tell you how. Their face is there for the world to see. Do you want to depend on internet safeguards, where your child is concerned? I don’t. Someone dangerous can see your child, their face and they can find them. Don’t be fooled. The internet is not safe. Is it worth even the chance? I don’t think so.
Safe measures are in place all over the internet and those safeguards are being breached daily. The number of missing and abducted children increases. Everyday. Why even take that chance? While it is cool to share photos of your family, can’t you do that from the safety of your own email? With people that you trust? Why take the chance that your kids and their photos will be viewed by child predators? It is not worth it, to me. Just my opinion. You may disagree and I hope that the odds are in your favor. But, what if they aren’t? Why tempt fate? Why?
So many women and children disappear everyday in the USA. The daily newspapers are filled with horrific stories. Even on a gaming site, your child is not one hundred percent safe. Only you, as a parent, can monitor your child’s internet browsing. It is worth the time. Who is looking at your children? Heaven knows. Be aware. If your child is talking to strangers, they are in danger. Though this problem may seem out of your reach, contact a web security professional. Help is available and worth looking into. It may save your child and you. Social media may seem friendly, but it can be deadly, because social media platforms which we are using in sense of having followers on instagram and interacting with an unknown person can be dangerous, please don’t let it be happened to yourself.