There are several skin benefits that you can get from using hemp seed oil. Hempseed oil is referred to as hemp oil, and cold-pressing hemp seeds harvest it. Hemp oil is generally unrefined. It is a clear green oil that has a nutty flavour.
Hemp oil is different from Cannabidiol oil (CBD), which is the extract of the cannabis plant, and it utilizes hemp flowers and leaves for its production purpose. You can buy cbd oil UK at attractive and affordable prices.
Hempseed oil is made from the hemp seed, and it does not contain any THC (tetrahydro cannabidiol), the psychoactive component that makes a person feel high. According to 2017 research, CBD oil may also contain very low and insignificant levels of THC. Hemp oil has many health benefits, including the ones that improve skin health. It is so beneficial for skin health due to its nourishing vitamins and moisturizing qualities.
How Does Hemp Oil Benefits Your Skin?
Hemp oil is used for different purposes. Some of the benefits of using Hempseed Oil are:
- Balances Oil Production:
hemp oil is considered perfect for almost all skin types as it has moisturizing properties without clogging pores. It helps balance out oily skin, providing it hydration, and regulating oil production in the skin.
- Moisturizes:
Hemp oil contains one of the Omega-6 fatty acids Gamma-linolenic Acid (GLA), which performs as a powerful anti-inflammatory and encourages skin growth and new cell generation. This helps calming inflammation and irritation that occurs on the skin, including acne and some conditions like psoriasis. In contrast, at the same time, it keeps the skin moisturized and nourished.
- Treats atopic dermatitis:
the part that hemp oil is rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids is very beneficial to the skin. By consuming these ingredients, you can treat skin conditions like atopic dermatitis. A study revealed that dietary hempseed oil could reduce the symptoms and appearance of atopic dermatitis after continuous use of 20 weeks.
- Anti-ageing Properties:
not only hemp oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but it also has anti-ageing properties. Hemp oil can be used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as prevents the development of signs of ageing. Hemp oil has linoleic acid and oleic acid, which cannot be produced by the human body. Still, it plays an important role in maintaining skin health and contains anti-ageing properties, so they are among the most important nutrients that need to be added to the diet.
Uses Of Hemp Oil:
- Topical Use:
the first method of using hemp oil is to apply it to the skin directly. This can work if your skin has dry patches that you want to smoothen out quickly. Before using the oil directly to the whole skin, take a patch test to ensure it does not have any unwanted reaction.
- Oral use:
the second method of using hemp oil is to ingest it, which can provide numerous skin benefits and an additional overall health benefit compared to the first method. If you take the oil orally, there are very less risk of skin irritation or even breakouts, but it may cause some indigestion. If you don’t like the taste of hemp oil directly, you can use it in different recipes like mixing it into foods, smoothies, salad, or soup.
Whether you use it topically or orally, its health benefits are numerous, and many people can use it for their advantages. Hemp oil is generally considered safe for most people, helping moisturize the skin from inside out. So if you want to try this oil on your skin, then go for it.