Guide Home Improvement Kids Life Opinion Spying

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Guide Home Improvement Kids Life Opinion Spying

The Long-Term Affects Of Spying On Your Teen And Why You Shouldn’t Spy

In this day and age, of suicide and depression, of sex and drugs, parents want to know what’s going on in every breathing moment of their teenagers lives. They want to know where they’re going, who they’re with, and what they’re doing. But, being a teenager myself, we all know that one little lie can […]

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Swimsuits first came about in the 1920s where women wore tank-like suits, then slowly progressed to suits with skirts in the 1930s. After this, along came the corset style swimwear that was in the ear of the 1940s to 1960s, although more stars and celebrities sported this style as the rest of the women wore […]

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The Disney Vault

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The Disney Vault

I recently heard that Sleeping Beauty would be returning to the Disney Vault again soon. This makes me sad. I happen to love Sleeping Beauty and unfortunately hadn’t had the chance to pick up a copy during its short stint outside of the Vault. I can now only hope that she comes back out again before I have children so that I may acquire a copy for them before she is banished back inside the Vault for the rest of eternity.

I understand the theory of the Disney Vault. In fact, it’s an ingenious marketing tool. I probably could care less about Sleeping Beauty, and would have forgotten about her completely had she not been locked up in the Vault, kept from me, and then released for a short time only. This scared me. I knew if I didn’t purchase the DVD immediately there would be an indeterminable period of time where she would be unavailable and I would have no way of knowing when the Disney gods might give her back to me again.

I imagine that this same mindset plagues many Disney fans, and is the exact reason Disney continues to thrive off of movies made years ago. The bigwigs at Disney know exactly what they’re doing to us; there is an enormous sense of urgency to have these movies when they are released from the evil grip of the Vault. Good for them.

But it makes me wonder… what the hell goes on inside of the Disney Vault??? Yes, I believe it is a real brick and mortar place, and yes I believe there are thousands upon millions of Disney classics stacked to the ceiling. But I also believe there’s a little bit of magic going on inside of the Disney Vault. If I could take a vacation to anywhere in the world, it would NOT be Disney World… but to the Disney Vault. Its door is shaped like Mickey Mouse’s head for goodness sake!!

Here is a list of things that I firmly believe goes on inside of the Vault:

1. The Disney Princesses definitely live largely inside of the Vault when they’re not being pimped out to the public for a limited time only. Not only do they live inside, but they are good friends. They lunch together, gossip, drink cosmos and get mani/pedis in their spare time. Cinderella is clearly the Carrie Bradshaw of the group. They take turns talking trash on Snow White because she lives with seven small men, think Jasmine wears extensions, and Ariel has had a boob job. FYI…The Real Housewives of the Disney Vault would have made a much better show than the chicks from Atlanta.

2. The Princes play poker on Thursdays, bowl on Fridays, and golf on Saturdays. Yes, they have all of these things inside the Vault. No, they’re not as charming out of the public eye…especially after a couple of rounds.

3. Obviously Mickey Mouse is Mayor of the Disney Vault. The people generally love him but he’s up to his ears trying to stay out of the press by keeping Minnie out of the liquor cabinet.

4. It’s common knowledge that Jiminy Cricket and Tinkerbelle have an illegitimate love child.

5. There is a community swimming pool. There is also a problem… it’s made up of gold coins… and only Scrooge McDuck (Chairman of the Disney Vault Board) can swim in it.

6. There is a county jail as well. The Beast is the warden. There are individual cells for Captain Hook, Jafar, and Maleficent. Ursula is unfortunately in solitary confinement.

7. Belle runs the local library, and with the exception of seeking donations for fundraising events doesn’t make a habit of cavorting with the other Princesses.

8. The Fairy Godmother and Genie were finally married a year ago. They live happily at the edge of the vault in whatever creation they can think of and conjure up on any given day.

9. There is a town square… and you can bet there is an enormous statue of Walt Disney in the center of it. He’s like Kennedy to these people.

10. After trying a few times with no success, Donald and Daisy Duck deciding not to have children after all. Much to the community’s and juvenile court systems appreciation, they decided to legally adopt Huey, Dewey and Louie instead.

I know it’s farfetched but you have to agree that these lovely characters must be doing something when they’re banished inside of the Disney Vault for years at a time. Something to pass the time until Mickey announces at the monthy town hall meeting who will be the next to leave briefly and make Disney millions? Right?

The Approach to Effective and Permanent Weight Loss

According to American Sports Data Inc, one in three Americans are obese. The danger in being obese is an increased risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, to name a few. Thankfully, attaining effective weight loss is possible and easy. Just follow this easy weight loss guide to lose two to four pounds a week.


Regardless of how much you eat, the secret to losing weight is increasing your physical activity. Start with small increases in activity. Take the stairs at the office instead of the elevator. You may not notice the difference immediately, but the increase in caloric consumption by your metabolic system is nearly tripled when you take the stairs instead of the lift. Do this five times a week, and in the long run, you will feel the difference.

After increasing your simple activity, move towards incorporating some additional exercise into your lifestyle. Once again, start slow. You can begin by taking walks around your neighborhood, or your local park. By adding about two 45 minute workouts into your week, you can increase your resting metabolism – which will increase your calories burnt even while you are not exercising. This increase is key to helping you attain visible weight loss results.

Finally, once you have gotten into the swing of exercising at least two times a week, you can increase the intensity of your workouts, increase the duration or frequency of your workouts, or try different activities to keep yourself active. You can graduate from walking to cycling, jogging, or any other intensive cardiovascular activity. For those of us who work in offices, stair climbing is a good option for a quick lunch hour workout. If you have the time, you can also try increasing the duration ad frequency of your workouts. Remember, the minimum duration of an effective weight loss workout is 45 minutes. The maximum you should go for is double of that; an hour and a half. Lastly, try out different activities to keep yourself active. Physical activities are not limited to jogging and swimming. Try water skiing or rock climbing, for example, to create some adventure in your weight loss exercise routine.

Controlling your food intake

By controlling, I do not mean reduce. To lose weight, you merely have to control your diet by eating “healthier” foods. When presented with a choice of meals, always opt for the healthier one. You may be surprised a how delicious some “healthy” food tastes. As a general guide, when in doubt, look for the “healthy” section in the menu. Many restaurants have begun to incorporate these healthy diet foods into their selection.

Try to maintain a balanced diet of staples (potatoes, bread, pasta etc), meat or fish and vegetables. The mistake that many dieters make is that they overindulge in one type of food group. The secret to losing weight and leading a healthy lifestyle is eating right. For example, if you have already ordered a burger, do not order fries because there is already a bun in the burger. Instead, ask for greens. In the same situation, why not get a Diet Coke instead of a Mountain Dew?

Track your progress

If the only weighing scale you use is the one in the gym, it is time to buy one for yourself. One way to check that you have achieved permanent weight loss is to track your weight over a period of a month. You should do this by weighing yourself once a week, and recording it in a logbook. Then, watch as your weight decreases over time. Do not be discouraged if you don’t seem to lose weight immediately. These dieting tips are designed to help you lose weight in the long run. It is not a fast diet that yields immediate, but temporary, results. Rather, it is a proven method of reducing weight permanently.

Woman on Scale

Additional Help

In addition to the above, it is a good idea to invest some money in a couple of slimming products. These products have varied effects, and most do not work for everybody. But on the off-chance that it might work for you, a $30 investment is not too much. Try some slimming pills, or if you are adverse to taking them, try slimming tea. The most ideal slimming product should be targeted at increasing your metabolic rate.

Here are a couple of good websites to help you find slimming pills and slimming teas:
Best Pills 4 Weight Loss Slimming Solutions This is the safest way to lose weight I know of. Good luck!

American Sports Data Inc., Obesity Statistics: Number of Obese Americans Increasing

Surprise Your Wife for Christmas: Top Three Gift Ideas for the Woman You Love!

Don’t you dare buy her household necessities! Every woman say’s that’s what she wants, simply because money is tight and it is what is needed, but she really does not want that new washing machine! Nor does she want the new wok or vacuum cleaner!
She wants to be romanced, she wants a gift that comes from your heart, not something that you just picked up at the local discount store. You really need to spend time choosing the right gift for her, after all, she spends her life taking care of you!

Top Three Gift Ideas for the Woman You Love:

# 1 ~ The Gift of Relaxation!

She’s tired, she needs some relaxation, and you know it! W  hat can you give her that will help her relax and show how much you care? Of Course she’d love a week end at the spa, but if that isn’t an affordable gift, give her a day at the spa right at home!

Here’s what you’ll need:

Candles – I would recommend going with a light scent, such as vanilla or lavender. Relaxing is the idea, so you don’t want to use a spicy candle that would only invigorate her senses! Set candles out around the bedroom and bathroom. Use maybe 6 in each room. You want the room to be light enough to see, but dim enough to become drowsy and relaxed.

Scented Massage Oil – The main reason people visit spas is for the massage! Give your wife a full body massage for at least thirty minutes, using lightly scented massage oils, her tight stressed out muscles are sure to thank you for it!

Scented Bath Bubbles – After her massage session is over, run a hot bath with scented bath bubbles and allow her the privacy to soak in it for at least thirty minutes.
Scented Lotion – Be sure to leave the lotion near the bath, so she can re hydrate her skin after soaking in the tub.

Chocolate – No spa would be complete without chocolate! Leave a dish next to the bath tub for her to nibble on while she soaks

# 2 ~ Jewelry!

Women love jewelry just as much as men love toys! There is no getting around it. Jewelry makes a women feel beautiful and if it comes from the right gift giver, it makes her feel loved. BUT and this is a BIG BUT! Don’t buy the women you love cheap jewelry! I’m not saying you have to spend a million bucks, but don’t buy it off the dollar rack at your local discount store!

Top favorites are:

Rings- Of Course, the die hard favorite of all women! Don’t forget “Diamonds are forever”

Necklaces – A birthstone, mother of pearl or diamond are sure to be a hit!!
Watches – Being on time is important, so help make sure she’s is stylishly on time all the time!

# 3 ~ Shopping

Most women with families simply don’t take the time to shop for themselves. They are always so busy making sure that Johnny has clean socks or Susie has a new dress for the spring dance and of course budgeting to make sure there is enough money to cover all that. Offer to watch the kids for an entire Saturday and allow her to go shopping for herself! Go Online and purchase gift cards from her favorite stores and then send her off to the mall! Or if she’s an online shopper, offer to take the kids out for the day and give her the house and computer to herself to set off on a shopping spree right from home!

The most important thing to remember is she will love the gift if it truly comes from your heart. Don’t send your secretary to the mall, go yourself!

Shaving Tips for Men

Shaving can be a pain, but it doesn’t have to be painful. With proper tools and technique, you can take the chore out of daily shaving and transform the process into a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

To start with, you’ll need to give yourself plenty of time. Rushing through the job is not only going to put you at higher risk for razor burn and cuts, but you may miss a spot or two and end up looking worse than if you hadn’t shaved at all. If this means getting up 10 minutes earlier, so be it. You won’t miss those extra minutes of sleep and it will pay off with the comfort of a smooth face for the rest of the day.

Second, make sure you use a quality razor. I recommend Gillette Mach 3 or any other razor from the Gillette Mach series. These are excellent razors, and the only major problem with them is that people don’t replace the cartridges as often as they should. This is understandable, considering how expensive they are, but your face will suffer as a result. If cost is a concern, you can buy them in bulk on eBay for much less than the retail price. I have done this before, buying a two-year supply all at once. I replace the cartridge every two weeks and I shave every other day. I don’t pay attention to the blue strip signifying the “life” of the cartridge. If it feels rough, I throw it away.

As for shaving cream, you’ll need to choose one that is compatible with your skin. If a particular brand is not up to par, ditch it and try something else. Don’t feel the need to “finish off” something that is irritating your skin. How much did you spend on it, anyway? I get great results from plain old Colgate Shaving Cream, but others swear by the more expensive gels and soaps. I have not seen enough difference with these types of products to warrant the extra expense, but as they say, your miles may vary.

Always shave after you shower, when your skin is still warm and moist. If I haven’t shaved in a few days I will sometimes rub hair conditioner on my beard while in the shower, which is a great way of softening the hairs. Apply your shaving cream with a shaving brush as soon as you get out of the shower and let it sit on your face for at least a couple of minutes before you start shaving. A shaving brush is recommended because it will help raise and separate the hairs and create a thick lather of shaving cream. Wet the razor with hot water and start on an area that has a low concentration of hair (such as the lower neck). Move the razor with the grain (in the direction that the hair grows) in short strokes (no more than an inch at a time) and avoid going over the same spot twice. Rinse the razor frequently in hot water (after every 3 to 4 strokes). The more you rinse the razor, the less likely you are to get an uneven shave.

After going over a spot with the grain, you can shave against the grain for ultimate closeness. This is not recommended if you have extra sensitive skin or are prone to ingrown hairs. If you are prone to ingrown hairs, a product called Tend Skin is remarkable at preventing ingrown hairs and is definitely worth the money. African Americans and other men with curly facial hair are typically prone to ingrown hairs, and will benefit from Tend Skin.

Feel with your hands to make sure you haven’t missed a spot. You might want to also check with a side mirror to make sure your sideburns are even and level. Once you’re ready to rinse, start off with warm water. After all of the shaving cream is gone, rinse with cold water. This may be uncomfortable, but it helps tighten the skin and prevent infections. Afterwards, pat dry with a soft towel.

Depending on your skin type, you may want to use an aftershave moisturizer. Be sure to use one that does not irritate your skin, because your skin is at its most vulnerable after you shave. Do not use products containing alcohol, as they will dry your skin and prematurely age it. If you have any suspicion that your aftershave lotion is irritating your skin, discontinue use and either go a week without it or switch brands.

Follow these tips and you’re guaranteed to see an improvement in your appearance and a renewed joy in your morning shave.

Review of Bissel Healthy Home HEPA Vacuum Cleaner

My family recently went from a one dog household to a three dog household and were in desperate need for a better vacuum when we found theBissell Healthy Home HEPA Upright Vacuum. Our new Bissell vacuum has outperformed every other vacuum our family has tried or owned in the past, but like all vacuums, it does have its flaws. The suction and features are incredible and the reason why I recommend the Bissell Healthy Home, but the maneuverability and weight could be improved.

If you have several pets or are dealing with allergies, I would highly recommend the Bissel Healthy Home HEPA vacuum because of its almost unparalleled suction power. If, on the other hand, you are just looking for something to do light cleaning with and don’t have to worry about pets or allergens, there are several vacuums on the market that perform well and are slightly easier to handle.

One of the main reasons I think the Bissell vacuum is so great, has to do with its cleaning performance. After all, suction is the first thing you look at in a vacuum cleaner and with all the dogs I have running around, this is my main concern. According to the manufacturer, the vacuum has 12 amps of power, which was more or about the same as similar HEPA bagless models, but came at a competitive price. All that suction power translates into clean floors and carpets when you come through with this model, more so than other models that I tried.

On Berber carpet the Bissell Healthy Home is amazing, getting out dirt and pet hair that has been lodged in the pile for way too long. On the surface, there is no longer the noticeable presence of dog hair trapped in the loops of carpeting. The more obvious difference was apparent after I used the Bissell for several weeks and then steam cleaned all the carpets and rugs in my home. Generally, the water sucked back up during a regular steam cleaning was filled with dirt and dust to the point of being murky. After vacuuming on the same schedule I always have, the water sucked back into the steam cleaner was slightly discolored, but without the buildup of dirt and dust piling up at the bottom of the reservoir.

The parts of our home that are covered in hardwood or plush carpeting look even better, and are much easier to clean with the Healthy Home HEPA. In these sections of my home, a single pass through with the vacuum is enough to get the job done and the wide brush helps me get rooms done quicker. Because the cleaner is bagless, disposing of the dirt and hair picked up is quick and easy, I love not having to deal with bags. Other features and attachments include the crevice cleaner, dusting brush and Turbo Brush. All of these are invaluable, and the dusting brush especially, really make this machine a huge multitasking cleaner.

As for cons, the Bissell Healthy Home vacuum could be a little lighter, it is definitely not the easiest machine to move around. Overall maneuverability is a little disappointing, especially when it comes to hard to clean sections like stairs or awkward hallways. The extension wand and hose could also be made a little longer when you consider the effort it takes to pull the vacuum around.

Overall though, the performance and cost far outweighs any weight concerns. I am more than happy to wheel around the Bissell using a little more arm muscle than go back to the hair being left behind by other brands. Definitely a must for pet owners.

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