Guide Home Improvement Kids Life Opinion Spying

The Long-Term Affects Of Spying On Your Teen And Why You Shouldn’t Spy

In this day and age, of suicide and depression, of sex and drugs, parents want to know what’s going on in every breathing moment of their teenagers lives. They want to know where they’re going, who they’re with, and what they’re doing. But, being a teenager myself, we all know that one little lie can […]

Guide Home Improvement Kids Life Opinion Spying

The Long-Term Affects Of Spying On Your Teen And Why You Shouldn’t Spy

In this day and age, of suicide and depression, of sex and drugs, parents want to know what’s going on in every breathing moment of their teenagers lives. They want to know where they’re going, who they’re with, and what they’re doing. But, being a teenager myself, we all know that one little lie can […]

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Prom Is Being Held Where?

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Swimsuits first came about in the 1920s where women wore tank-like suits, then slowly progressed to suits with skirts in the 1930s. After this, along came the corset style swimwear that was in the ear of the 1940s to 1960s, although more stars and celebrities sported this style as the rest of the women wore […]

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Prom Is Being Held Where?

Well, it is prom time again. Some have already happened and some are about to . I can remember the excitement building to that one special night. It hasn’t been that long ago, HONESTLY. The planning started a couple months in advance with a list of to-do’s.

Find a date. (check)

Start dieting. (check, well sort-of)

Start tanning. (check, yes I did to big no-no and went to tanning salons.)

Find the perfect dress. (check)

Find the perfect shoes. (check)

Find the perfect accessories. (check)

Schedule prom pictures. (check)

Order own corsage and boutonniere. (check, you just can’t let the guy mess up the corsage.)

Make hair appointment. (check)

Go to hair appointment. (check)

Well, I probably missed some things, but you get the idea. It has been… 15 years since my junior prom…gasp. This is part of prom. The planning or prep work. This next part is not what prom is supposed to be about. Read on!

What prompted me to this topic was an article in my local paper talking about prom activities at some of the local high schools. One of those schools my daughter will be attending in several years. She’s only two now. In the article it stated that one of the high schools was having their prom at the local memorial building. Fine. The other high school, the one my daughter will be attending some day, was having their prom at a casino 40 miles from the town the high school is in. Not fine, in my opinion. I know I sound old-fashioned and when I was in high school it probably would have sounded great. **PROM AT A CASINO 40 MILES FROM HOME.** Now that I am older, hopefully a little wiser and a mother this does not sound like a good idea.

There was no mention of whether or not a bus would be shipping them or not or if they could chose not to ride the bus. That might alter my opinion a little bit, but only a little. The driving bothered me quite a bit with all the excitement of prom – kids laughing, possibly drinking and careless. Going to a casino bothered me too. I’m sure parts of the casino were off limits, but to me opening the doors to a casino for prom is sending a bad message to teens. Everyone knows what happens in casinos. Gambling, drinking, smoking, etc. Not everybody who goes to a casino is reckless, but you hear enough about casinos that this does happen to some people. I just hope that in the years until my daughter reaches this age this school will have come up with a better place closer to home to hold prom. In the past it was held at the high school. What’s wrong with that?

My prom days, which I thought were fine at the time when I was 17 and 18 years old, were not any better. For my high school prom was held at the Days Inn Hotel. Looking back – A HOTEL! I never thought twice about it beforehand, but I do remember seeing kids go to rooms that had been rented to party in and do who knows what in. I remembered thinking would parents really rent hotel rooms for their kids or did the hotel allow high school kids to rent these rooms? Honestly, I was not one of them. We went to after prom at the local YMCA. My senior prom was the last one at that hotel. I heard it was due to fire hazards because of too many people in the banquet room and the front of the hotel was blocked because of a pa  rade line of prom guests for parents to view and take pictures of. I always wondered if there were other reasons for them to change locations from the hotel to the actual high school.

These are bad messages to be sending teens – proms at casinos 40 miles from home and at hotels. Why can’t a prom just be at the high school or a local building in town? Why does it need to be at a casino or hotel? What is the purpose of that? Prom is supposed to be about dancing, laughing and having fun with friends, not gambling, drinking or renting hotel rooms. Prom is a fun and happy time just before the end of schooldays and childhood when kids that have spent years together part ways to embark on a quest for their future. It does not need to involve casinos or hotels. Just leave it as a dance where teens can have fun planning for it beforehand and then enjoy the night of it with no pressures.

Product Review: Dirt Devil Kurv Hand Vacuum

The trouble with a traditional hand-held vacuum cleaner is that it is always packed away in a tangle of cords up in the back of the top shelf in your hall closet when you really need it. The famed international designer, Karim Rashid, has overcome this problem by designing a hand vacuum that looks like a curvaceous piece of fine sculpture. The Dirt Devil Kurv can be placed proudly among your fine pottery, candles, decorative centerpieces, and other display items. The shape of the Kurv evokes the minarets of exotic lands. The Kurv comes in several colors: champagne, choco-latte, sky blue and spice. The colors fit most home color palettes and allow the Kurv to blend right in until you make a mess.

Beneath the smooth plastic skin of Rashid’s fluid design, the Dirt Devil Kurv hides a practical 9.6 volt hand vacuum. The Kurv is about 16 inches tall and comes in two pieces. The bottom piece serves as a pedestal and charger for the vacuum in the top piece. When you spot some crumbs, dust, or dirt to be vacuumed, you draw the curve out of its pedestal as if you were pulling a sword from a scabbard or a stone. Then, you push a button at the tip of the handle to turn on the vacuum. Dirt is sucked in through a small 1-1/4 inch opening at the bottom of the vacuum. It works much like a hose attachment on a regular vacuum cleaner. The vacuum tip is rubberize to avoid marring furniture.

The Kurv delivers performance typically expected of a small hand vacuum. It’s great if you drop some crumbs or find a cobweb. However, I would not expect to effectively detail a car with it. The Kurv is designed to attack small spots of dirt rather than clean large areas. We have used it to vacuum up crumbs, popcorn, cobwebs, and a spider or two. For these quick tasks, the Dirt Devil Kurv has worked well. When you have cleaned up a significant amount of debris, you can simply twist apart the Kurv vacuum to reveal that the entire nose of the vacuum is actually a generously-sized dust bin. An easily removable cloth filter basket protects the motor.

There are only a few minor drawbacks to the Dirt Devil Kurv. First, the Dirt Devil Kurv is not a high-powered vacuum. It is good for small easily cleaned messes. Second, the Kurv does not have any brushes or any attachments. While this makes storage and use simple, it does limit the Kurv’s ability to beat particles out of carpet and other fabrics. Third, sometimes hard particles will get stuck in the dustbin and require some extra shaking to remove. Finally, the Kurv filter sometimes requires minor scraping by fingernail to get completely clean. Overall, these criticisms are minor nits compared to the convenience and utility provided by the Kurv.

With a retail price of about $50, the Kurv is a winner. In my opinion, the Dirt Devil Kurv provides an excellent value in an attractive and convenient package.

Are We Getting Too Involved In Social Media, Is It Killing Us? How? Check This Out

I grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Back then, my parents worried about my friends, where I might go in my car, if I would drink and drive, the usual worries for parents back then. Seemed like a pretty big deal back then. Times have indeed changed. Haven’t they? My generation was the first to enjoy video games. Cable. Cell phones. We created them. Just like our forefathers created the telephone, electricity, the telephone and cars. Off into the future. And into our now. The present.

I embraced the computer age. Reluctantly. I actually was put there by my ex husband. I loved to write. We had a rental business. I requested a simple typewriter, to type rental property contracts out on. He brought home a computer. I was introduced to this new age, back then, that way. I asked him to take the computer back and get me a typewriter. He freaked out. This is the wave of the future. He was right. It was. Was I ready for it then? I don’t think so. Still, I went forward. Being a writer, I can appreciate the value of the internet now. But, at first, it seemed quite worthless to me. I had no use for it. Ignorant and puzzled. I learned. Slowly. On my own. Many pitfalls and challenges.

That leads me to what I want to address in this article. The children. Put an innocent child on the internet and what do you get? A big problem. If they are not educated and monitored, this is a true recipe for disaster. Many adults know this, so why is it so hard to believe that our children could be in danger on the internet? They are. Why? I will tell you why. Say your child starts up a Facebook or Myspace page. Sure they can limit their visitors. But, are you really certain that their personal photos, information and age will not be viewed by strangers? Their location, even if a city, can be easily located by a child predator. How? Well, I will tell you how. Their face is there for the world to see. Do you want to depend on internet safeguards, where your child is concerned? I don’t. Someone dangerous can see your child, their face and they can find them. Don’t be fooled. The internet is not safe. Is it worth even the chance? I don’t think so.

Safe measures are in place all over the internet and those safeguards are being breached daily. The number of missing and abducted children increases. Everyday. Why even take that chance? While it is cool to share photos of your family, can’t you do that from the safety of your own email? With people that you trust? Why take the chance that your kids and their photos will be viewed by child predators? It is not worth it, to me. Just my opinion. You may disagree and I hope that the odds are in your favor. But, what if they aren’t? Why tempt fate? Why?

So many women and children disappear everyday in the USA. The daily newspapers are filled with horrific stories. Even on a gaming site, your child is not one hundred percent safe. Only you, as a parent, can monitor your child’s internet browsing. It is worth the time. Who is looking at your children? Heaven knows. Be aware. If your child is talking to strangers, they are in danger. Though this problem may seem out of your reach, contact a web security professional. Help is available and worth looking into. It may save your child and you. Social media may seem friendly, but it can be deadly, because social media platforms which we are using in sense of having followers on instagram and interacting with an unknown person can be dangerous, please don’t let it be happened to yourself.

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